提提你!Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour 香港站加場套票喺⏰12月5號上午10時(香港時間)喺Klook App開賣!記得set定鬧鐘準時買啦! 👉 https://www.klook.com/zh-HK/tetris/promo/coldplaymusicofthespheres/?aid=16110

(⚡️Please scroll down for English version)

體驗套票內容:演唱會門票兩張🎫 + 酒店住宿一晚/ 兩晚🏨 

套票1️⃣ : 2張演唱會門票 + 3-4星酒店住宿套票- 由HK$2,623起 

套票2️⃣:2張演唱會門票 + 4-5星酒店住宿套票 : 由HK$4,311起 

演唱會門票由座位到企位都有得㨂,係Fans嘅你仲可以買Kubik Experiences或Floris Early Entry Experiences呢2個升級體驗! 



1️⃣ 記得喺iOS或 Android Download 或者 Update Klook App (Version 7.5.1以上)

2️⃣ 登記/登入你嘅Klook帳戶 

3️⃣ 去我的帳戶>常用資料>管理付款方式 - Save低付款資料,到時checkout快啲方便啲


Reminder! Experience Packages for Coldplay Music of The Spheres’ Additional Show will be available from Dec 5th 10am on Klook app


⏰Set your alarm and grab your packages to enjoy a night full of stars!

Every pair of tickets includes a hotel of your choice: 

🎫 Package 1: 2 Tickets + 1 or 2 night stay at 3-4 Star Hotel from HK$2,623 (US$338)

🎫 Package 2: 2 Tickets + 1 or 2-night stay at 4-5 Star Hotel from HK$4,311 (US$554)

🎫 Tickets you can choose from include Category A, B, C, D, E & F, as well as special Kubik Experiences and Floris Early-Entry Experiences tickets!

Details of the additional show. 

Date: 8 April, 2025

Tips to book your Experience Packages on Klook:

1️⃣ Download/ Update your Klook App (Version 7.5.1 or above) on iOS/ Android

2️⃣ Register for a Klook account

3️⃣ Save your payment info for a smoother and quicker checkout